Friday Jul 28, 2023
The Fiduciary Landmine: The questions you need to ask to avoid costly mistakes and the answers you need to get

Fiduciary! In this episode we sit down with D. Doug Aldeen, a health care and ERISA attorney for some very specific questions. As I’ve learned, not all fiduciary questions have a single correct answer right now and as Doug discusses, pending litigation won’t necessarily yield answers.
Doug Aldeen is an Austin, TX based health care and ERISA attorney who recently served as ERISA counsel on behalf of the Berkeley Research Group in New York City to the $7.7 billion May 2016 acquisition of Multiplan and its medical bill repricing product Data Isight by the private equity firm Hellman and Friedman. Since 1997, he currently and has represented reference base pricing organizations, a bundled payment software platform, PPO networks, medium to small self-funded plans, TPA’s and provider sponsored HMO’s in various capacities including Herdrich v. Peagram which was argued before the United States Supreme Court in 2001.
Moreover, he serves as a resource to national news organizations regarding issues on health care and in addition as a consultant with the Governmental Relations Committee at the Self Insured Institute of America in Washington D.C. and as an advisor to RIP Medical Debt which has abolished over $9 billion in medical debt.
Doug received his JD from the University of Illinois.
He can be reached on LinkedIn or